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First of all, we’re absolutely trying to build a community around us and our games. Engage with us! Let us know what you like and don’t like about what we’re doing. Let us get to know you! Check us out on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!
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Got some extra cash? Need a new shirt? Wanna help us bring some cool games to fruition? Check out our store on RedBubble. It’s a win-win. Your support has the side benefit of making you look pretty dope. At least, we think so.

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Do you want to keep up with important updates like when our Kickstarter campaigns launch as well as staying in the loop of cool events and promotions? Joining our mailing list will be the best way to do that. Don’t worry, we won’t bombard your inbox with junk. Just a couple of e-mail, here and there, whenever something cool is happening.