Hi, I’m Travis, and I’m Alec, and We Are Diabolical. Muahaha! .

Diabolical Games started when two friends had a brain-child for a new game over pizza night in Taichung, Taiwan. This led us to spend months working on our first game ‘Dante’s Inferno.’ Amazingly, we would go on to license the game to a Taiwanese board game company and that’s the only reason why we can’t say any more about it here (yet). Anyway, as we worked on ‘Dante’s’, besides the fact that it was a labor of love and so much fun at that, we kept coming up with other ideas and other mechanics that just weren’t right for ‘Dante’s’. We kept thinking “Oh, that’s cool.” Or “What about this?” Or “I’ve never seen that in a game before.” But so many of our ideas didn’t go into ‘Dante’s Inferno’ and instead wound up in our copious notes.
That is, until our notebooks couldn’t handle it anymore! We had such a blast coming up with games and playing our prototypes that we wanted to do more with them. With the encouragement of our friends and families, who loved playing our games as much as we loved making them, we decided to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps to become a drop in the bucket that is Indie Tabletop Game Companies.
We don’t claim to be able to hold a candle to the greats that came before us and paved the way, but hopefully, with a bit of luck, and your support, our games can bring some joy to the adventurers who discover them. We’ve got some crazy ideas, but we need your help to bring them to fruition!
So join us! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our Kickstarter campaigns and exclusive content and offers. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you. We promise!
Love our stuff? Let us know! Our fragile egos need the boost. Got other comments and suggestions? We’d love to hear from you, too! Got your own company or platform and you want to collaborate or cross-promote? Boom! Hate our stuff? Can’t stand our ugly faces? Want us to crawl back under the sad rocks whence we came? That’s chill, hit us up to vent!